One technique to avoid the BLOB Tax (poor DB performance when BLOBs are present) is to separate BLOBs into their own table, with only their primary keys to keep them company. Databases that allow per-table storage areas should particularly benefit from this technique, as it isolates the BLOB tables from the rest of the database.
Offhand, I think this technique should be dubbed BLOB Normal Form, as this technique is similar to the relational database Xth Normal Form schema design techniques.
(I think I first saw this tip in the SQL Server Central newsletter.)
Re:It's not normal form
Aristotle on 2006-12-30T06:35:10
In a better world, the DBMS engine would do this sort of thing transparentlyThumbs up.
Re:It's not normal form
pudge on 2007-01-04T22:49:26
True enough. Still, this is a Good Practice. We do this in Slash too: the actual text of stories, comments, journals, etc. are all in their own table, with only the primary key.